Clark Youth Theatre is pleased to offer the Emergence Project in our 2023-2024 Season! Clark embraces all aspects of the theatrical process, from working in the tech booth to shining in the spotlight. The Emergence Project offers the youth of Tulsa the opportunity to write, direct and act in completely student created material. Each student written play is 10-12 minutes long, directed by a separate student, and student acted. Clark is accepting submissions to be a writer, actor or director in this process led by John Cruncleton III. See below for more information and a google doc link to submit for each portion of the project. Student technicians will also be selected and trained from this pool of submissions. Writing Guidelines are at the Writer’s Submission Link and available HERE.
This form indicates your intent to submit a script for the 2024 Emergence Project! Please read below and acknowledge that you have read the following and understand the guidelines. All guidelines are firm, HOWEVER, if you have begun a script which varies from these guildelines and feel strongly about it, please speak privately to John Cruncleton. After reading the following and agreeing to the questions below, please send your writing submission to the Clark email, and copy John’s email, by April 29th. Submit your intent to write a script HERE:
This form is to indicate your interest in directing a show for the Emergence Project 2024. You will be given the task of selecting actors from a known pool of Clark actors AND video submissions open to the public ages 13-18. You will collaborate with both the writer of the short you are directing and John Cruncleton III to direct your portion of the Emergence Project. Submissions due by April 29th. Submit HERE:
Please fill out this form to submit into an acting pool for the Emergence Project 2024. You must be between the ages of 13 and 18, or 19 if a High School Senior. All actors will be chosen from this audition pool of submitted and assigned into certain shows during a meeting of all the EP directors. If you are new to Clark, or not known to the Clark Community, please submit a videoed monologue at the link below or email the video to and copy Submissions to act or audition videos due by April 29th. Callbacks will be in person if needed. Submit HERE: